Scribe Forums

Index > Scribe
Author Date Replies Subject
Scott 4 Jan 2022 2 Internet images don't show up when printing messages
Axel 30 Jan 2022 2 inscribe 2,4,20
StorLard 28 Oct 2021 1 How do you create a new email account?
Marcinek 16 Sep 2021 2 Can't connect to my mail server, 235 -> SendStart failed.
Axel 27 Apr 2022 5 Email 'set unread' doesn't work
Axel 2 Aug 2021 2 Email View - Font size
Scott 14 Jul 2021 3 Selecting a Group in To field displays <blank> in Sent folder
Scott 28 Jun 2021 1 Assertion during IMAP connection
Ed Vazquez 10 Jul 2021 2 Stupid User question number 42A...
Baruch Youssin 1 Jun 2021 3 i.Scribe cannot send or receive emails
Scott 25 May 2021 0 Feature request: strikethrough font in HTML
Ed Vazquez 19 May 2021 2 GMail IMAP weirdness
Axel 10 Jul 2021 2 V 2.4.18 - errors on software update chck
Scott 9 May 2021 4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
Scott 27 Apr 2021 1 Feature request: Edit Contact option in context menu
lwc 20 Apr 2021 2 Is there full support for OAuth?
lwc 5 Dec 2021 5 Is there "upload message to IMAP" or "edit IMAP message" features?
Scott 20 Dec 2021 1 Folder Properties is a Modal dialog
Elad R 23 Mar 2021 1 Unable to connect to gmail
Scott 4 Apr 2021 4 Saving attachments
Geoff 19 Mar 2021 2 Linux27 InScribe libraries
Jonathan E. Brickman 21 Feb 2021 1 LGI source
Scott 9 Feb 2021 1 Attaching files: drag & drop
Scott 22 Mar 2021 2 Extracting attached messages
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