Calling Msys and MingW commands from outsite their environment (i.e. CreateProcess)
Date: 16/11/2014
Tags: mingw
So I wanted to check in on how Lgi apps built on Msys / MingW these days, particularly to have a look at implementing a GDB wrapper in the LgiIde application so that I can debug stuff directly in Linux without having to drop down to the command line. But never mind that convoluted explanation.

The problem that I initially saw when trying to call Msys's 'make' was this:
0 [main] make.exe" 4408 fhandler_base::dup: dup(some disk file) failed, handle 0, Win32 error 6
/bin/sh: line 1: /c/Code/Lgi/trunk/LgiIde/C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/make.exe: No such file or directory
Then after I started using a different CreateProcess wrapper I got this:
-f: Nothing to be done for `'.
I checked and re-checked that the path pointed to both the Msys and MingW bin directories in make's environment. But it still wouldn't work. From the command line it was fine, but doing a CreateProcess on make failed.

It would appear that Msys make really needs to be run inside a shell of some sort. Even if it's just windows build in cmd.exe. So I ended up with code that looks like this:
CreateProcess("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", "/C make.exe -f", ...);
Which works well enough for me.
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