Mac Port
Date: 1/12/2005
So some of you are wondering what happened to that Mac port right? I did get a Mac mini all those months ago. Well with the release of v1.88 final I've actually had some time to revisit the mac codebase and get it to compile and link. So now I have a building checkout that I can start adding functionality to, because at the moment a lot of things are just stubs, they don't actually work. But a port that does nothing yet builds is the first step, and it usually takes less time than this but I've been busy.

I recently got a broadband router which allows me to network the Mac without having to go through the PC. So more and more these days I power up the Mac for email and web, because it's so quiet, and uses less electricity, and looks better etc. I'm doing a little bit on the port each day.

Also because the final build of Scribe is safely branched in subversion I've started ripping up the Lgi API and refactoring the class heirarchy for better binary compatibility and flexibility. Something that you do at the start of a developement cycle rather than when your going for stability. I'm aiming to give all the main classes proper pure virtual interfaces so that code outside of Lgi can use Lgi objects WITHOUT having to link against Lgi. In the short term it'll mean I'll have less plugin issues with Scribe, but in the long term it's better programming practise. Interestingly I had to learn about virtual base classes, which I had no idea about. But I'll leave that to a different blog post.
02/12/2005 9:45am
Cannot wait for that Mac-port! :-)
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