
Index > Scribe > Multiple Recipients / Reply to ALL
Author/Date Multiple Recipients / Reply to ALL
24/07/2024 9:09pm
I second Axel's comment, great work! I used Inscribe several years ago and now Scribe is greatly improved!

I noticed that when I receive an email that was sent to me and others, only my email address shows up as the intended recipient. The source option shows other addressees as well. So the "Reply All" function doesn't work because only my email address is listed as a recipient. Do I have a setting wrong somewhere?

24/07/2024 10:53pm
Follow up: In Scribe, if I export the email to multiple recipients as a standard eml file, then open it with Scribe via the standard Windows "Open With" function, the Scribe "Reply All" function works. However, in Scribe itself it doesn't work when I open the email and hit "Reply All". Interesting. In both cases, only the first recipient shows up in the "To:" listing.
28/07/2024 7:33am
I'm not able to reproduce this issue. I sent a test email to both my regular and gmail address and when I go to reply all both addresses are added to the "To" box. Could you maybe do a screen capture of what you're seeing so I see what you mean?
28/07/2024 10:51am
My apology, on further review the "reply all" function works properly.

What I do notice, though, is that in replying to emails sent via Microsoft office, the Microsoft Office shows up in the "Original Message" information, like this:

Subject: RE: Visit
Date: 23/07/2024 9:51:23

/" xmlns="">Hello!

Don't know if I can filter that out somehow.

Great email program, your updates to Scribe have me now using Scribe rather than the behemoth Thunderbird. :-)
28/07/2024 11:47am
Sounds like a problem with a parser. Could I get an example email that shows that on reply?
28/07/2024 12:20pm
Should I forward an email to the "fret" email address?
30/07/2024 7:44am
Attach the email by dragging it from the mail list and dropping it to the new email window. Then send to

I'll take a look.