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Debug Builds
Date: 29/4/2002
Seeing as everyone is linking to and, worse mirroring my debug builds it seems I'll have to make them harder to get. It was nice for a while having people send me crash data before I even had to ask. But I only want people to use/link/mirror beta builds, which are marked as beta, not the debug builds.
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Date: 26/4/2002 have linked to me again, Yay! I really like the ethos of doing things with a minimum of fuss and size. TinyApps collect small utilities that do the job in under 1.44mb, and preferabled don't need installing/uninstalling so that they survive endless backing up and OS reinstalls.

Good on ya TinyApps!
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Dumb Idea
Date: 25/4/2002
The mongs at BetaNews have linked to my debug build. Which is specifically if your having crashes. It's NOT a beta. And people should stay away from it. Especially since it's like a 2MB download.

Opps, the name changed and broke your link. Opps... it changed again... opps!
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Date: 23/4/2002
Anyone know why IE can't cope with tables inside anchors?

Otherwise I'd have some really nifty little rollover menus without any images. Which in my book is far better.
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BeOS Binaries
Date: 23/4/2002
The old BeOS binaries for i.Ftp and i.Disk are now on the new site.

Also someone donated a PPC build of my tracker add-on ConvertToLF. They didn't test it [much?] so it's of dubious value, if anyone tries it let me know how it goes.
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Super keen
Date: 23/4/2002
You gotta hand it to people sometimes. This page is so keen to keep you up to date that it's listing i.Mage updates before they're released.

Tee hee.
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