Site + New apps
Date: 22/2/2004
I've got the site up to date again. But I'm going to move to cheaper hosting. So you may experience some down time over the next week accessing To migate the data over to the new host I've written a little php script that dumps the entire contents of the MySQL database backend to XML and then a normal desktop application pulls all that back on you local harddisk. Then the second stage is writing all the data into the new database creating tables along the way. This is not only good for backing up databases on webservers but a great way to migate to new hosting quickly and painlessly. If all goes well I might clean up the code and post it as an application.

   Secondly I've written a simple little process viewer for Linux. All it really lets you do at the moment is TERM and KILL tasks. But the display is pretty nice. I don't suppose anyone would like a play with the code?
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