Date: 12/2/2004
If your looking for a Windows version of i.Disk it's been temporarily taken offline to fix some important bugs. I was going to fix it over the last week but I ran into some problems. Anyway it'll probably be back online over the weekend.

If your experiencing crashes (esp on Win95/98/ME) with the latest build of Scribe then try deleting or renaming the file 'lgiskin.dll' in the Scribe directory. Apparently there is some problem with it. I've installed Win98 in a VmWare image and I'll be making sure it's good for the next release.

Going back to 256mb of RAM was an eye opener. Gee I remember 'swapping' now... so I've hot footed it out to the local bits and bytes and picked up another 256mb of SDRAM. So that work can continue unabated. At this rate I'll have replaced everything in my box by the end of the year :(

I've released a number of bulk discount InScribe licences for companies and organisations. If you are interested in what sort of support and tools are available for sites then I'd be happy to help. InScribe is growing into a nice, safe and cheap alternative for businesses not afraid of throwing off the yoke of slavery.
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