
Index > Scribe > Aspell install trouble
Author/Date Aspell install trouble
Mark Wolk
23/10/2011 10:48pm
I am using InScribe v1.90 Test6 Release on my Win7 Home Premium 64-bit PC. InScribe is in a folder on the D drive (with documents), whereas Windows and other programs are on the C drive.

I have downloaded the Aspell library and placed it in a folder called Aspell inside my Scribe folder.

I thought that the most relevant version of the Aspell plugin would be . Is that correct?

I downloaded that zip file, unzipped it and placed the folder "aspell-win32" inside my InScribe folder. I also copied the 2 files Scribe_Spell.dll and _spell24x24.bmp and placed at the root of my InScribe folder.

Then, in the InScribe interface, I went to File -> Plugins -> Add and I navigated to the Scribe_Spell.dll (tried in both locations) and opened it. As soon as I did that, I received the error message

ScribePlugin load log:

Operating system couldn't load the library file (.DLL/.SO)

Am I doing anything wrong? Or all that not compatible with 64 bit Win7?
28/10/2011 10:06am
I thought that the most relevant version of the Aspell plugin would be . Is that correct?
That should be fine. Generally if I don't update the plugins for a particular build the most recent ones before that are exactly the same.

I have downloaded the Aspell library and placed it in a folder called Aspell inside my Scribe folder.
I think the scribe plugin needs to be in the same folder as the aspell software, so that it can load aspell-15.dll, otherwise you can add the aspell directory to the PATH and that will work as well.