
Index > Scribe > [Feature req] Conditional SOCKS
Author/Date [Feature req] Conditional SOCKS
14/08/2004 3:28am
Due to me finding the wonderfulness of Pop-Over-HTTP, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a "conditional" SOCKS feature, that can be specified to only use SOCKS for Outgoing and not Incoming... since there is currently no SMTP-Over-HTTP feature.

Rytis Umbrasas
14/08/2004 11:41am
I agree.

It would be usefull, when user change locations. Scribe is great for travelers.
Traveler could don't worry about diferent smtp in diferent places, when he travel in smtp over http case.

I love Scribe for pop over HTTP feature, because in my jobs private pop maip port is closed.

And I'm tired to change smtp and proxy data, when I'm change location. Three times per day.

Smtp over http would be useful for me too.

Rytis Umbrasas