
Index > Scribe > Scribe export contacts field names different to import
Author/Date Scribe export contacts field names different to import
06/12/2003 6:08am
In order to fix some errors in my mailbox (multiple trash bins that can't be deleted) I exported all my mail and contacts, deleted the mailbox file, and had Scribe start a new one.

When I came to import my contacts I noted that Scribe required me to map all the fields. The field names in the export file were often different from the ones that Scribe was wanting to import into. Guess that needs tidying up. Would be nice if importing a file that was exported from Scribe didn't require going through the whole mapping ordeal!

06/12/2003 6:12am
Your right, that should map across with no effort. I'll see it that it works that way.
06/12/2003 6:19am
Ok, all down. The in and out field names are the same, and auto map when importing. No effort required.