Index > Scribe > spaces after ISO-8859-1 characters | |
Author/Date | spaces after ISO-8859-1 characters |
myselfo 09/11/2003 1:09pm | Hi,
Spaces appear after chars with tilde (ñ, á, é, etc.) when reading messages. It's not just a "visual effect", I can even copy and paste those spaces! So I get "solució n" instead of "solución". Internet Header says message is Content-Type: multipart/alternative. View source shows: and those characters are encoded like: solución más sencilla es I have more issues with Scribe and these chars, even when they're not in an html body. I receive mails with these headers: Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In this case, tilded characters are not correctly displayed. Example: "?s alg?" instead of "és algú". If I manually select Change charset->windows-1252 or iso-8859-1, they look correct. Maybe Western European codepage should be assumed if no other info is provided? Finally, I also get mails with headers: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit And again: "A±adir" instead of "Añadir". In this case I understand headers are incorrect, since us-ascii is only 7 bits, but just to let you know. |
myselfo 09/11/2003 1:12pm | damn, I see forum destroys the lines I pasted, I guess because they are html.
What "View source" shows is: meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" (I removed ">" and "<") And characters with a space after them are encoded in the form: solución (I hope they look ok now when posting!) |
fReT 09/11/2003 6:58pm | I've fixed the bug that inserted the space after the HTML entity in Scribe.
Was that the only thing or was there something else? |
myselfo 10/11/2003 4:22am | thanks for the quick fix :)
Yes, there are other issues, the ones regarding the charset used to display the message when no explicit one is defined in the mail headers. Examples are in my previous posts. |
fReT 10/11/2003 6:00pm | To change the charset of a incorrectly encoded message right click on the compose control and go into the "Change Charset" submenu.
There should do it. |
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