Date: 7/6/2011
Tags: axefx | So last night I rewrote the setup menu of the Axefx
Footcontroller software. Basically before it was very
simple, had one level of editing where you could scroll
through all the parameters fairly easily. However you were
quite limited in what you could do with the IA buttons (send
one CC) and knob parameters (send one CC). Also the "Amp
Mode" has hard coded. Also it was hard coded to 3 IA
buttons, not flexible if there were more than that.
The new menu system has much more flexibility. Basically you
have 5 levels of menus, I know it sounds like a lot, but
it's manageable. The first level is simply picking between
the pre-preset settings and the global settings. In the
preset settings, you have 3 sections for the IA buttons, and
the "grouping" setting for making the IA's mutually
exclusive. Inside the IA button settings you now have 2
commands (limited by the EEPROM memory in the current AVR),
where each command (4 bytes) is one of:
- None - send no command
- CC - send a CC between [min] and [max]
- Block - turn an axefx block on/off
- Sysex - axefx sysex set parameter [block], [param]
between [min] and [max]
So you can do 2 things with any given IA button. Most of the
time you'd want to just use one command to switch a block on
or off. But now there is some flexibility to do more things
if needed.
Now in the global menu there is 3 sections for the different
parameter modes (parameters are the 6 knobs and 2 external
controllers). The modes are "Normal", "Amp1" and "Amp2". In
normal mode the default operation is to send a midi CC
command, with the default settings being the axefx EXTERN1
to EXTERN8 midi CC's. Amp1 and Amp2 mode default to sending
axefx sysex command's that map to the
Gain/Bass/Mid/Treble/Presence/Master for the Amp1 and Amp2
block. That mode change is tied to a 3 position hardware
switch on the box somewhere. Each of those (3) modes has 8 parameter settings, that each have again 2 commands. The
command editing is exactly the same options as the IA's.
Then you also have the Tuner CC and Tempo CC, the midi
channel and the factory reset function. The factory reset
just configures all the IA's for every preset to do nothing
and makes the global parameters do all the default things
for the different modes.
All in all it's now looking and feeling much better. The
hardware testing is coming along nicely. I'm still working
on dialing in the LCD code... it's being a little finicky.
But hopefully I'll get it sorted tonight.