Linux/Mac port update
Date: 9/4/2009
This last week has been very productive. I have got both the Mac and Linux ports to a point of usability. Currently the Linux port is good enough for me to valgrind Scribe again, so it's running well enough to use on the v2 code base. This is a good thing, because v2 Scribe NEEDS valgrinding. It's still in that it all mostly works but every now and again it blows up and crashes stage. That said I've fixed one issue that would cause all the email to download again, even through it's been marked read (That gets annoying pretty quick).

I've got one more show stopper to fix before I release the next build. Basically when sending the worker thread doesn't wait for the GUI thread to finish processing the items in the queue and it crashes. The threading architecture in Scribe is a little old hat, I knew a lot less about threading when I wrote it. But the cost of a serious re-write of the threading is scaring me, so I'm just fixing the issues in the current source.

Also I'm still facing a huge number of memory leaks to sort out. That work is progressing in parallel to the feature work. It's really important because I'm seeing very large virtual memory footprints over time with Scribe v2. So I'm moving a lot of code bit by bit over to various auto pointer or ref counted classes. However ever now and then the heap gets corrupted enough to assert when free'ing some object, hence I'm spending a lot of time getting the Linux port up to scratch so I can valgrind it when I need to. So basically I'm at that point now. Yay!
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