Date: 12/4/2007
| I've been tinkering away on the Mac build of Scribe everyday working on the hard to find little bugs that get left over after all the easy stuff is done. And I had some doozy bugs this week. The first was caused by OS X doing sub-pixel kerning and that mixed with per word metrics in the edit control didn't work. But I eventually nailed that, after spending far too long barking up the wrong trees. Then I had a weird issue where some text would be painted in the wrong colour, even though I checked and re-checked I was passing in the right colours. So it turns out that some of the views were actually attached to the view heirarchy and by way of Lgi's virtual view code were getting kinda painted anyway. So I fixed that and in doing so broke a bunch of other stuff, lots of window weren't attaching at the right place. So it took a while to sort that out. Then some text still wasn't getting painted in the right colour. So I started poking around again and I noticed that openning a mail window would cause the bug to appear. So begins some hours of commenting out parts of code, checking if the bug appears, and then commenting out other parts of code etc. I eventually isolated the problem and found I was reallocating the SysFont handle that had previously been used to create GDisplayString object (text laid out for display) and of course chaos ensued.
But it's getting very close to being ready for a beta release. I've started fixing things in the calendar as well. Thats coming along nicely. I also still need to fix the dynamically generated sub-menus in the main window and show an empty menu when a window other than the main app window is shown, otherwise I get all sorts of weird commands from the menu ending up in say a mail window. Although that might not be the best solution. Still thinking about that.