Date: 2/4/2007
| When old skool coder/designer types hear the word "tiling" they think of a repeating pattern of "tiles" of a fixed size that fills an area. In XAML it's not immediately obvious how to do traditional tiling so now that I've worked it out I'm going to share so that Google will index it for the next hapless user needing to tile something.
<DrawingBrush TileMode="Tile" Viewport="0,0,32,24" ViewportUnits="Absolute" Viewbox="0,0,32,24" ViewboxUnits="Absolute">
<!-- your drawing commands -->
Will tile a 32x24 "drawing" across your slate such that it doesn't stretch and squish when the object is resized. Obviously change the Viewport and Viewbox to suit your tile size.
(And no, you shouldn't read anything into this)