Carbon/ATSUI fonts
Date: 1/2/2007
I mentioned I was working on the fonts in the previous entry and well I've got it almost all sorted out. I needed to use the CGContextRef from the kEventControlDraw event and plug it into the ATSU layout object. That fixed the kerning and anti-aliasing but broke the positioning. A few flips of the context's CTM and that was sorted out as well.

Then I turned on font substitution, a feature that you have to implement yourself on Windows and Linux and all the international characters magically appeared. Ohoooo Arhhhhh!

Finally all that is left is that all my text looks like it's drawn in a bold font. I'm retreiving the current system font and setting that up as the default application font, and I'm not setting the bold property... so I'm a bit confused over that one.
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