The Rich Edit Saga
Date: 10/8/2005
Well I think I'm finally done with playing around with rich edit controls for a while. I've hit a wall and it's not moving.

I've given up trying to embed mozilla on win32, it's just too large a dependency. So I'm using IE at the moment and the Easy Web Editor as the content. It works fine if you load it into a normal IE window but if you embed it in an application via the IE ActiveX control it behaves differently.

The problem stems from the fact that the body's onKeyDown handle is not called in the activex version. This causes several problems, firstly and most direly the delete key doesn't work. Secondly the key handler fixes IE's editor putting p tags everywhere instead of br's.

So I put together a simple activex test case for people interested in helping fix the problem to download and play with.
10/08/2005 1:03am
The test case:

  • Start 'release\ietest.exe'
  • Type a word, cursor back into the word and try and delete a character (which fails).
  • Type a word and hit enter. This behaves differently in the activex control to when you load 'ewe\sample.html' in a normal IE window.
11/08/2005 12:11pm
I really can't see any reason for RT editing in e-mails, it doesn't belong there imo. Well as long as you can run InScribe without the requirement of IE it's ok I guess.
11/08/2005 3:00pm
In any case it'll be a plugin for those who want it. Scribe will never depend on IE... it's cross platform anyway.
11/08/2005 7:03pm
puh, good to hear :)
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