New Bug Database
Date: 27/6/2005
Those of you who are regulars around here would have noticed already, but there is a new button on the sitemap that links into the new Bug Database. I've entered all the products, some of the versions and made up some components to start with. I even kicked things off with bug #1.

This way I hope to maintain a better flow of information between myself and users over issues in the various software. And you should be able to keep abreast of where things are up to. Hopefully it doesn't end up being more work than it's worth. That really depends on how people use the Bug DB. DO try and check for duplicate bugs before entering a new one. DO be civil and helpful in comments, I don't want to have to moderate the system. Also if you get a crash, please attach any available crashdata.txt to the bug report.
28/06/2005 7:28am
Apparently the bugzilla install can't send mail yet... so we'll get on that asap. I'll post again here when that is sorted out.
06/07/2005 5:39am
Ok the bug database is now fully online, you should be able to create an account and log bugs against Memecode products.
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