
Index > Scribe > Request "Do Not Delete" Flag
Author/Date Request "Do Not Delete" Flag
12/10/2004 4:09pm
1. Inscribe currently can mark messages in one of several colors. This is good for identifying certain messages.

Would it be possible to add a mark or flag to prevent deletion of selected/flagged messages? This would help prevent losing important messages when deleting large chunks of messages in folders.

(The incorrect selection of FROM address when Replying seems to be fixed in the latest version -- Thanks!!)
Mike Green
12/10/2004 6:17pm

19/10/2004 4:19am
This would be a handy feature. I think its called "message parked". If the message is parked you cannot move or delete it until you remove the parked status.
04/03/2007 4:09pm
yeah! that option is very cool!

i wait for this