Scribe Document Object Modal

This document describes the Scribe Document Object Model which is to address fields inside objects. Fields can be used in filters, templates, item preview and scripts. Each object in Scribe will export a number of fields that can either be values or references to other objects. If you try and reference an Object that doesn't exist then the value returned will be NULL.

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AccountIdentity {   // ScribeSendReceive.cpp:834
    String Name;    // :837
    String Email;   // :838
    String Reply;   // :839
    String Sig;     // :840
    String HtmlSig; // :841

Attachment {          // ScribeAttachment.cpp:168
    Int64  Length;    // :173
    String Name;      // :178
    String MimeType;  // :183
    String ContentId; // :188
    Binary Data;      // :193
    Int32  Type;      // :205

Contact {                     // ScribeContact.cpp:623
    ScribeWnd      Scribe;    // :631
    ThingContainer Folder;    // :636
    String[]       Email;     // :644
    Int32          Type;      // :658
    String[]       Groups;    // :663
    Image          Image;     // :706
    String         ImageHtml; // :711

ContactGroup {     // ScribeGroup.cpp:136
    String   Name; // :141
    String[] List; // :146
    Int32    Type; // :163

Filter {                      // ScribeFilter.cpp:2573
    Mail      Mail;           // :2653
    ScribeWnd Scribe;         // :2661
    String    Name;           // :2666
    Bool      TestConditions; // :2671
    Int32     Type;           // :2682
    String    ConditionsXml;  // :2687
    String    ActionsXml;     // :2692
    Int32     Index;          // :2697

GCssStyle {         // GHtml.cpp:9165
    String Display; // :9170

GCustomType {             // GVariant.cpp:2099
    String        Name;   // :2104
    String        Type;   // :2109
    Int32         Length; // :2114
    CustomField[] Field;  // :2119

    function New(); // :2154
    function Delete(Object); // :2163

GCustomType::CustomField { // GVariant.cpp:1820
    String Name;   // :1825
    Int32  Length; // :1828

GDateTime {             // GDateTime.cpp:1682
    Int32  Year;        // :1687
    Int32  Month;       // :1690
    Int32  Day;         // :1693
    Int32  Hour;        // :1696
    Int32  Minute;      // :1699
    Int32  Second;      // :1702
    String Date;        // :1705
    String Time;        // :1712
    String DateAndTime; // :1719
    Int64  DateInt64;   // :1726

    function SetNow(); // :1787

GFile {            // GFileCommon.cpp:12
    String Type;   // :17
    String Name;   // :20
    Int64  Length; // :23
    Int64  Pos;    // :26

    function Length([NewLength]); // :59
    function Pos([NewPosition]); // :67
    function Type(); // :75
    function Open(Path[, Mode]); // :80
    function Close(); // :105
    function Read([ReadLength[, ReadType = 0 - string, 1 - integer]]); // :110
    function Write(Data[, WriteLength]); // :186

GHtml {                // GHtml.cpp:8628
    Bool supportLists; // :8630
    Bool vml;          // :8632
    Bool mso;          // :8635

GSurface {               // GSurface.cpp:1797
    Int32 X;             // :1801
    Int32 Y;             // :1806
    Int32 Bits;          // :1811
    Int32 ColourSpace;   // :1816
    Int32 IncludeCursor; // :1821

GTag {                     // GHtml.cpp:1388
    GCssStyle Style;       // :1393
    String    textContent; // :1398

GXmlTag {                    // GXmlTree.cpp:499
    String 'attribute_name'; // :501

ListAddr {            // ScribeListAddr.cpp:1178
    String   Text;    // :1183
    String   Name;    // :1199
    String   Email;   // :1204
    Int32    Type;    // :1209
    Contact  Contact; // :1214
    String[] Groups;  // :1226

Mail {                              // ScribeMail.cpp:4391
    ListAddr       From;            // :4396
    String         FromHtml;        // :4401
    Contact        Contact;         // :4409
    ListAddr[]     To;              // :4427
    String         ToHtml;          // :4468
    String         Subject;         // :4486
    String         Body;            // :4491
    String         BodyAsText;      // :4559
    String         BodyAsHtml;      // :4594
    String         HtmlHeadFields;  // :4607
    String         MessageID;       // :4671
    String         InternetHeaders; // :4676
    String[]       InternetHeader;  // :4681
    Int32          Priority;        // :4693
    String         Html;            // :4698
    Int32          Flags;           // :4703
    ThingContainer Folder;          // :4708
    ScribeWnd      Scribe;          // :4716
    Mail           Mail;            // :4721
    DateTime       DateSent;        // :4726
    DateTime       DateReceived;    // :4731
    String         Sig;             // :4736
    Int64          Size;            // :4744
    String         Label;           // :4749
    Int32          Attachments;     // :4754
    Attachment[]   Attachment;      // :4761
    String         MimeTree;        // :4775
    GView          Ui;              // :4788
    Int32          Type;            // :4793
    Bool           Selected;        // :4798
    Bool           Read;            // :4803
    Bool           ShowImages;      // :4808
    Int32          Colour;          // :4813

    function Send([Bool SendNow = true]); // :4924

ReceiveAccountlet {          // ScribeSendReceive.cpp:1378
    String  Protocol;        // :1381
    String  Server;          // :1382
    Integer Port;            // :1383
    String  Name;            // :1384
    Bool    AutoReceive;     // :1385
    String  CheckEvery;      // :1386
    Bool    LeaveOnServer;   // :1388
    Bool    DeleteAfter;     // :1389
    Bool    DelIfLarger;     // :1391
    Integer DelIfLargerSize; // :1392
    String  Folder;          // :1394
    Integer MaxSize;         // :1395
    String  8BitCharSet;     // :1396
    String  AsciiCharset;    // :1397
    Integer AuthType;        // :1398

ScribeAccount {                                   // ScribeAccount.cpp:56
    Accountlet.AccountIdentity   Identity;        // :64
    Accountlet.SendAccountlet    Send;            // :67
    Accountlet.ReceiveAccountlet Receive;         // :70
    Bool                         IsValid;         // :73
    Bool                         IsOnline;        // :76
    ScribeWnd                    Scribe;          // :79
    String                       Name;            // :82
    String                       Id;              // :84
    Bool                         Disable;         // :86
    Bool                         AccountExpanded; // :88

    function Stop(); // :125
    function Disconnect(); // :128
    function Kill(); // :131
    function EndSession(); // :134

ScribeDom {             // ScribeUtils.cpp:1279
    ScribeWnd Scribe;   // :1284
    Mail      Mail;     // :1289
    Contact   Contact;  // :1294
    Calendar  Calendar; // :1299
    Filter    Filter;   // :1304
    String    Now;      // :1309

ScribeWnd {                       // ScribeApp.cpp:2366
    String         Quote;         // :2371
    String         Name;          // :2375
    String         Home;          // :2380
    String         Now;           // :2389
    ThingContainer Folder;        // :2398
    String         AppName;       // :2419
    String         CalendarToday; // :2424
    String         Execute;       // :2428
    String         BuildType;     // :2452
    String         Tag;           // :2461
    String         Version;       // :2466
    String         Build;         // :2473
    String         Language;      // :2480
    String         String;        // :2491
    ThingContainer CurrentFolder; // :2503
    GView          View;          // :2508
    Contact        NoContact;     // :2513
    Unknown        Accounts;      // :2518

    function GetUserString(GView ParentView, String PromptMessage[, Bool ObsurePassword[, String DefaultValue]]); // :2565
    function CreateAccount(); // :2583
    function DeleteAccount(ScribeAccount AccountToDelete); // :2596

SendAccountlet {          // ScribeSendReceive.cpp:868
    String  Server;       // :871
    Integer Port;         // :872
    String  Domain;       // :873
    String  Name;         // :874
    Bool    Auth;         // :875
    Integer AuthType;     // :876
    String  PrefCharset1; // :877
    String  PrefCharset2; // :878
    Bool    OnlySendThis; // :879

SslSocket {     // OpenSSLSocket.cpp:623
    Bool isSsl; // :628

Store3Addr {          // Store3Common.cpp:80
    String   Name;    // :85
    String   Email;   // :90
    String   Text;    // :95
    Contact  Contact; // :115
    String[] Groups;  // :128

TableCell {           // GTableLayout.cpp:424
    GView[] Children; // :429
    GRect   Span;     // :447
    String  Align;    // :452
    String  VAlign;   // :461
    String  Class;    // :470
    String  Style;    // :475
    Unknown Debug;    // :480

ThingContainer {             // ScribeFolder.cpp:2929
    Int32          Type;     // :2934
    String         Name;     // :2939
    String         Path;     // :2945
    Int32          Unread;   // :2955
    Int32          Length;   // :2960
    Thing[]        Item;     // :2965
    Int32          ItemType; // :2982
    ScribeWnd      Scribe;   // :2987
    ThingContainer Child;    // :2992
    ThingContainer Next;     // :2997