
Index > Scribe > iscribe images are not displayed when imbedded refernece
Author/Date iscribe images are not displayed when imbedded refernece
Clay Chip Smith
06/01/2011 3:55am

I am used to MS/outlook where an imbeded image reference to an internet gif is displayed. I do not see how to see the image, except to cut and paste the image into mozilla.

Is there a way to see the references directly?

06/01/2011 9:18am
To see images you'll need the support DLL's installed:

Or maybe a current build of v2.00, as the recent builds don't need the DLL's as much, they can use part of the operating system to load images.

Then you need to right click on a HTML message and select "Load Images" or set the "Automatically load images" setting in the appearance options.