
Index > Scribe > 1.49 K message becomes a 0 K message
Author/Date 1.49 K message becomes a 0 K message
Carlos Rocha
16/09/2004 7:17pm
Hi Matt,

It's not the first time it happens with this sender, so it can be a problem in his side. I receieved the message in two addresses, with different behaviours. In the first one, after download the message the date becomes 15/12/1960 23:00:00, in the other is 16/9/2004 0:42:54, both with 0 Kb but different headers.

I still have the message in the first server, but in the second I only have the downloaded (with 0 K). Could it be an issue with Scribe? should I send them to you?

16/09/2004 9:54pm
If you could setup a "bytes only" log file in the debug options, receive the message off the server again (account preview) and then send the log file I will look at it and decide if there is a bug in Scribe or the other client.
